Formula | Cu4Li4O4 |
Reduced formula | CuLiO |
Stoichiometry | ABC |
Number of species | 3 |
Number of atoms | 12 |
Unique ID | 20 |
Unit cell volume [Å3] | 131.683 |
Direct band gap (GLLB-SC) [eV] | 3.277 |
Indirect band gap (GLLB-SC) [eV] | 3.029 |
Band gap (PBE) [eV] | 1.941 |
Crystal system | Tetragonal |
ICSD number | 282 |
Derivative discontinuity (GLLB-SC) [eV] | 0.848 |
Number of species | 3 |
Space group | 119 |
Defect tolerant | No |
Magnetic | No |