Formula | Ba9Ta5Sn4N5O22 |
Reduced formula | Ba9Ta5Sn4N5O22 |
Stoichiometry | A4B5C5D9E22 |
Number of species | 5 |
Number of atoms | 45 |
Unique ID | 11 |
Unit cell volume [Å3] | 620.289 |
Direct bandgap GLLB-SC [eV] | 1.435 |
Indirect bandgap GLLB-SC [eV] | 1.435 |
Derivative discontinuity GLLB-SC [eV] | 0.568 |
Cubic perovskite labeled as A-combination | BaSnO3 |
Cubic perovskite labeled as B-combination | BaTaO2N |
Sequence of A and B layers | AAAABBBBB |
GLLBSC Gamma-gap | 1.435 |
Energy [eV] | -355.758 |