Structure info
Layer group p3m1
Layer group number 69
Structure origin janus10-19
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] 0.010
Heat of formation [eV/atom] -1.512
Dynamically stable Yes
Basic properties
Magnetic state NM
Band gap [eV] 0.912
Band gap (HSE06) [eV] 1.397
Band gap (G₀W₀) [eV] 1.878
Axis x [Å] y [Å] z [Å] Periodic
1 3.488 0.000 0.000 Yes
2 -1.744 3.021 0.000 Yes
3 -0.000 0.000 18.232 No
Lengths [Å] 3.488 3.488 18.232
Angles [°] 90.000 90.000 120.000

BrClZr (1BrClZr-1)
Heat of formation [eV/atom] -1.51
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] 0.01
Monolayers from C2DB
Zr2Cl6, (2ZrCl3-1) -1.74 eV/atom
Zr2Cl6, (2ZrCl3-2) -1.71 eV/atom
ZrCl2, (1ZrCl2-1) -1.71 eV/atom
Zr2Cl4, (2ZrCl2-1) -1.68 eV/atom
ZrCl2, (1ZrCl2-2) -1.60 eV/atom
Br2Zr2Cl4, (2BrZrCl2-1) -1.59 eV/atom
BrClZr, (1BrClZr-1) -1.51 eV/atom
Br2Cl2Zr2, (2BrClZr-1) -1.50 eV/atom
Zr9Cl16, (1Zr9Cl16-1) -1.48 eV/atom
Zr10Cl16, (2Zr5Cl8-1) -1.46 eV/atom
BrClZr, (1BrClZr-2) -1.41 eV/atom
ClZr2Br5, (1ClZr2Br5-1) -1.40 eV/atom
Zr2Br6, (2ZrBr3-1) -1.36 eV/atom
Zr2Br4, (2ZrBr2-1) -1.34 eV/atom
ZrBr2, (1ZrBr2-1) -1.34 eV/atom
Zr2Br6, (2ZrBr3-2) -1.33 eV/atom
Cl2Zr2, (2ClZr-1) -1.33 eV/atom
Cl2Zr2, (2ClZr-2) -1.27 eV/atom
ZrCl2, (1ZrCl2-3) -1.24 eV/atom
ZrBr2, (1ZrBr2-2) -1.23 eV/atom
Cl12Zr13, (1Cl12Zr13-1) -1.14 eV/atom
Br2Zr2, (2BrZr-1) -1.04 eV/atom
Cl12Zr14, (2Cl6Zr7-1) -1.03 eV/atom
Br2Zr2, (2BrZr-2) -0.97 eV/atom
Br16Zr18, (2Br8Zr9-1) -0.88 eV/atom
ZrBr2, (1ZrBr2-3) -0.88 eV/atom
Br12Zr13, (1Br12Zr13-1) -0.81 eV/atom
Cl2Zr2, (2ClZr-3) -0.74 eV/atom
Cl2Zr2, (2ClZr-4) -0.58 eV/atom
Br2Zr2, (2BrZr-3) -0.58 eV/atom
Br2Zr2, (2BrZr-4) -0.34 eV/atom
Bulk crystals from OQMD123
Cl8Zr2 -1.84 eV/atom
Cl6Zr2 -1.79 eV/atom
Cl2Zr -1.69 eV/atom
Br6Zr2 -1.44 eV/atom
Cl2Zr2 -1.31 eV/atom
Br2Zr2 -1.02 eV/atom
Br4 0.00 eV/atom
Cl4 0.00 eV/atom
Zr2 0.00 eV/atom
Br4Cl6 0.10 eV/atom

Cij (N/m) xx yy xy
xx 78.10 13.83 -0.00
yy 13.14 78.14 -0.00
xy 0.00 0.00 65.12
Stiffness tensor eigenvalues
Eigenvalue 0 64.64 N/m
Eigenvalue 1 65.12 N/m
Eigenvalue 2 91.60 N/m

Property Value
Minimum eigenvalue of Hessian [eV/Ų] -0.00

DVB (eV) xx yy xy
Γ 4.89 4.82 0.00
M 0.61 3.11 -2.12
K -0.91 -0.94 0.00
kVBM -0.91 -0.94 0.00
xx yy xy
Band Gap 3.65 2.21 1.18
DCB (eV) xx yy xy
Γ -0.50 -0.60 0.00
M -0.05 -1.95 1.49
K -6.07 -6.08 0.00
kCBM 2.74 1.28 1.19


Property (VBM) Value
Min eff. mass 0.43 m0
Max eff. mass 0.43 m0
DOS eff. mass 0.43 m0
Crystal coordinates [0.333, 0.333]
Warping parameter -0.000
Barrier height > 124.0 meV
Distance to barrier > 0.0207 Å-1
Property (CBM) Value
Min eff. mass 0.71 m0
Max eff. mass 1.22 m0
DOS eff. mass 0.93 m0
Crystal coordinates [0.114, 0.114]
Warping parameter 0.000
Barrier height > 45.2 meV
Distance to barrier > 0.0208 Å-1

Property Value
KVP: Band gap (HSE06) [eV] 1.40
KVP: Direct band gap (HSE06) [eV] 2.07
Valence band maximum wrt. vacuum level (HSE06) -3.87 eV
Conduction band minimum wrt. vacuum level (HSE06) -2.48 eV

Property Value
Band gap (G₀W₀) [eV] 1.88
Direct band gap (G₀W₀) [eV] 2.45
Valence band maximum wrt. vacuum level (G₀W₀) -4.23 eV
Conduction band minimum wrt. vacuum level (G₀W₀) -2.35 eV

ZZrij ux uy uz
Px 1.02 -0.00 0.00
Py -0.00 1.02 -0.00
Pz 0.00 -0.00 0.32
ZClij ux uy uz
Px -0.65 0.00 -0.00
Py 0.00 -0.65 0.00
Pz 0.00 -0.00 -0.18
ZBrij ux uy uz
Px -0.37 0.00 0.00
Py 0.00 -0.37 -0.00
Pz -0.00 -0.00 -0.14

ABC/1BrClZr/1/shg1.png ABC/1BrClZr/1/shg3.png ABC/1BrClZr/1/shg5.png
ABC/1BrClZr/1/shg2.png ABC/1BrClZr/1/shg4.png
Element Relations
xxz xxz=xzx=yyz=yzy
yyy yyy=-xxy=-yxx=-xyx
Others 0=xxx=xyy=xyz=xzy=xzz=yxy=yxz=yyx=yzx=yzz=zxy=zxz= zyx=zyz=zzx=zzy
zxx zxx=zyy

ABC/1BrClZr/1/rpa-pol-x.png ABC/1BrClZr/1/rpa-pol-z.png
Static interband polarizability at (x) [Å] 5.460
Static interband polarizability at (y) [Å] 5.460
Static interband polarizability at (z) [Å] 0.380
Plasma frequency (x) [Å0.5] 0.000
Plasma frequency (y) [Å0.5] 0.000

ABC/1BrClZr/1/ir-pol-x.png ABC/1BrClZr/1/ir-pol-z.png
Static polarizability [Å]
Phonons only (x) 0.17
Phonons only (y) 0.17
Phonons only (z) 0.01
Total (phonons + electrons) (x) 5.63
Total (phonons + electrons) (y) 5.63
Total (phonons + electrons) (z) 0.39

Mode Frequency (1/cm) Degeneracy
Mode 1 0. 3
Mode 2 150.4 2
Mode 3 204.9 1
Mode 4 238.2 2
Mode 5 324.4 1

Property Value
The exciton binding energy from the Bethe–Salpeter equation (BSE) [eV]. 0.87

# Chemical symbol Charges [|e|]
0 Zr 1.33
1 Br -0.63
2 Cl -0.70

cij (e/Ådim-1) xx yy xy
x -0.00 -0.00 -0.02
y -0.02 0.01 0.00
z -0.00 -0.00 0.00
cclampedij (e/Ådim-1) xx yy xy
x -0.00 -0.00 -0.06
y -0.06 0.06 -0.00
z 0.00 0.00 0.00

Shift-current Shift-current
Element Relations
xxz xxz=xzx=yyz=yzy
yyy yyy=-xyx=-yxx=-xxy
Others 0=xxx=xyy=xyz=xzy=xzz=yxy=yxz=yyx=yzx=yzz=zxy=zxz= zyx=zyz=zzx=zzy
zxx zxx=zyy
Shift-current Shift-current

Miscellaneous details
Unique ID 1BrClZr-1
Number of atoms 3
Number of species 3
Formula BrClZr
Reduced formula BrClZr
Stoichiometry ABC
Unit cell area [Å2] 10.537
Original file-system folder /home/niflheim2/cmr/C2DB-ASR/tree/ABC/BrClZr/BrClZr-8cb69386d06b
Old uid BrClZr-8cb69386d06b
Inversion symmetry No
Layer group p3m1
Layer group number 69
Structure origin janus10-19
Band gap [eV] 0.912
gap_dir 1.523
gap_dir_nosoc 1.536
Vacuum level [eV] 3.955
Fermi level [eV] 0.582
minhessianeig -0.000
Dynamically stable Yes
Band gap (HSE06) [eV] 1.397
gap_dir_hse 2.071
vbm_hse 0.083
cbm_hse 1.479
Miscellaneous details
Band gap (G₀W₀) [eV] 1.878
gap_dir_gw 2.446
vbm_gw -0.277
cbm_gw 1.601
E_B 0.873
Static interband polarizability at (x) [Å] 5.460
Static interband polarizability at (y) [Å] 5.460
Static interband polarizability at (z) [Å] 0.380
Static polarizability (phonons) (x) [Å] 0.175
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (x) [Å] 5.635
Static polarizability (phonons) (y) [Å] 0.174
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (y) [Å] 5.634
Static polarizability (phonons) (z) [Å] 0.009
Static polarizability (phonons + electrons) (z) [Å] 0.389
Plasma frequency (x) [Å0.5] 0.000
Plasma frequency (y) [Å0.5] 0.000
Energy [eV] -15.310
Magnetic state NM
Spin axis z
Magnetic anisotropy energy, xz [meV/unit cell] 0.000
Magnetic anisotropy energy, yz [meV/unit cell] 0.000
Energy above convex hull [eV/atom] 0.010
Heat of formation [eV/atom] -1.512
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