Formula V3H
Reduced formula V3H
Stoichiometry AB3
Number of species 2
Number of atoms 4
Unique ID 3
Unit cell area [Å2] 6.315
Surface Material V
Adsorbate H
Reference molecule 1 H2
Adsorption energy with LDA [eV] 0.357
Adsorption energy with PBE [eV] 0.602
Adsorption energy with RPBE [eV] 0.716
Adsorption energy with BEEF-vdW [eV] 0.671
Adsorption energy with vdW-DF2 [eV] 0.617
Adsorption energy with mBEEF [eV] 0.579
Adsorption energy with mBEEF-vdW [eV] 0.455
Adsorption energy with EXX [eV] 0.497
RPA correlation adsorption energy extrapolated [eV] 0.251
Energy [eV] -25.621
Maximum force [eV/Å] 0.789
Total magnetic moment [μB] 0.000
Axis x [Å] y [Å] z [Å] Periodic
1 2.700 0.000 0.000 Yes
2 1.350 2.339 0.000 Yes
3 0.000 0.000 14.410 No
Lengths [Å] 2.700 2.700 14.410
Angles [°] 90.000 90.000 60.000
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