Formula | Zr2Br6O2 |
Reduced formula | ZrBr3O |
Stoichiometry | ABC3 |
Number of species | 3 |
Number of atoms | 10 |
Unique ID | Zr2Br6O2 |
Unit cell length [Å] | 6.471 |
X | Zr |
Y | Br |
XY3 formula units | 2 |
Adsorbate | O |
Workfunction [V] | 6.086 |
Adsorption energy [eV] | 0.160 |
Coverage | 1.000 |
Energy [eV] | -866.842 |
Maximum force [eV/Å] | 0.009 |
Maximum stress component [eV/Å3] | 0.001 |
Total magnetic moment [μB] | 0.000 |