Formula Ca2Cu4Ge2S8
Reduced formula CaCu2GeS4
Stoichiometry ABC2D4
Number of species 4
Number of atoms 16
Unique ID 25
Unit cell volume [Å3] 325.380
Energy per atom [meV] 0.000
Uncertainty of the total energy [meV] 0.000
Direct band gap (GLLB-SC) [eV] 2.730
Indirect band gap (GLLB-SC) [eV] 2.730
Prototype Cu2ZnSiS4
Space group: I-4, I4-2m, P31, Ama2, P1n1, Pmn21 P1n1
Short chemical formula Cu2CaGeS4
Total energy (mBEEF) [eV] -699.856
Energy [eV] 339.012
Maximum force [eV/Å] 0.010
Maximum stress component [eV/Å3] 0.000
Axis x [Å] y [Å] z [Å] Periodic
1 8.189 -0.000 -0.000 Yes
2 0.000 6.399 -0.000 Yes
3 0.000 -0.000 6.209 Yes
Lengths [Å] 8.189 6.399 6.209
Angles [°] 90.000 90.000 90.000
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