Formula | Pt4Ge4Se4 |
Reduced formula | PtGeSe |
Stoichiometry | ABC |
Number of species | 3 |
Number of atoms | 12 |
Unique ID | 23 |
Unit cell volume [Å3] | 228.452 |
Direct bandgap GLLB-SC. [eV] | 1.062 |
Indirect bandgap GLLB-SC. [eV] | 0.550 |
Derivative discontinuity GLLB-SC. [eV] | 0.139 |
ID of materials in Materials project | 20817 |
ID of materials in ICSD | 822 |
Energy [eV] | -57.339 |
Total magnetic moment [μB] | 0.000 |