Formula |
AuVNO2 |
Reduced formula |
AuVNO2 |
Stoichiometry |
Number of species |
4 |
Number of atoms |
5 |
Unique ID |
15 |
Unit cell volume [Å3] |
60.932 |
A-ion in the cubic perovskite |
Au |
B-ion in the cubic perovskite |
V |
Anion combination in the perovskite |
O2N |
Direct bandgap GLLB-SC [eV] |
0.000 |
Indirect bandgap GLLB-SC [eV] |
0.000 |
Heat of formation [eV] |
1.020 |
General formula |
Direct position of the conduction band edge |
6.117 |
Indirect position of the conduction band edge |
6.117 |
Direct position of the valence band edge |
6.117 |
Indirect position of the valence band edge |
6.117 |
Standard energy |
-0.922 |
Energy [eV] |
-29.080 |